A Path Toward Home (The Annals of Avonea) Page 9
Moolow’s manor loomed before them, dark and mystical. Constance, Drinian, and Woodphere strode up the dark marble steps to the huge bronze door. As Woodphere pulled on a long rope near the door, a gentle sound like wind chimes played, as the door creaked open.
“Have you ever been here, Drinian?” Constance asked.
“No, I haven’t. Moolow always came to my father when we needed him,” Drinian replied.
The door was now completely open, and much to Constance’s surprise the interior was not dark and gloomy. Instead, it was very elaborate with marble stairs that led up to the second floor, red carpet and light wood furnishings.
“It's beautiful in here!” Constance exclaimed, as she looked up at the thousand diamond chandelier that hung from the ceiling.
“Indeed,” Drinian replied, in awe.
An old man was standing at the foot of the stairs. He was dressed in a long red robe, and his long white beard hung to his waist.
“Greetings to you travelers,” He said in a deep raspy voice.
Woodphere and Drinian bowed and Constance curtsied as best as she was able.
“Your clothes are shabby and you look in need of a refreshing bath.” Moolow said with a kind smile.
“Thank you sir, but we can’t stay long and it is very important for us to talk to you,” Drinian said.
“We will conduct business after you bathe and change your clothing, Your Majesty. Now, follow me.”
Moolow headed up the winding staircase to the next floor, and led each to private rooms where a bath awaited each of them.
After Moolow closed the door, Constance wondered, how could the old man have baths awaiting them, when he didn't even know they were coming?
Constance glanced about the darkened room at the pulled curtains and the three flickering candles. The steaming tub of bubbly water in the corner looked delightful. But what was that bulge on the far wall? Constance picked up a candle holder, walked briskly to the wall and gave a firm push. With a sharp creaking sound the wall opened, revealing a secret opening.
Constance eyes were wide with excitement as she entered, candle in hand. It was a long hidden passage that reminded Constance of the old castles she had read about. The stone walls were musty and damp and felt cold against her hand as she guided herself along the wall.
It seemed that she walked for hours until she reached a dead end. Why would a tunnel come to a dead end? Constance lifted her candle against the wall to see if she could find a handle or lever. Spotting an odd looking torch above her head, she seized it in both hands and spun it downward as the wall opened! She hesitantly entered a massive round room with shelves reaching as high as 40 feet with bottles and books neatly arranged on them.
Constance stepped up to a round table with bottles of all shapes and sizes. Was this the lab of some mad scientist? She picked up a container with green liquid and read, a potion to make your freckles disappear. Next, she picked up a bottle labeled, the potion to regain arm strength, and another for growing a thick beard. I don't think I would like that one, Constance thought, glancing about the room. A book that lay open on a small table gave instructions for creating potions. One line read, use lemon, lavender and clover to get rid of warts.
“This is amazing! How in the world did Moolow come up with all these concoctions?” Constance whispered aloud.
“It took me many years,” boomed a voice from behind her.
“Oh Moolow, I'm sorry. I should not by prying.”
“I don’t mind, as long as you can keep this place a secret.”
“I promise, I won't tell anyone, not even Drinian or Woodphere.”
“I believe you. Now what can I get you? You surely do not need a beauty potion.”
“No, I don't need anything. But how did you invent all these potions?”
“I experimented on many different people,” Moolow replied. There are over 2,000 remedies here.
“How do you get away with doing that?”
“I tell people that I am trying a new experiment. If it works, I start selling it and they get half the profits. So they let me do it.
I did feel bad one time when I was creating a potion to grow hair. A bald old man was the guinea pig and it ended up turning the top of his head blue!”
“Oh my!” Constance exclaimed smiling.
“Actually, you would be perfect for my next experiment. I want to see if my potion of changing hair texture works.”
“No thank you. I don't want to end up bald like Woodphere.
“Very well then. But perhaps you could use a poison snake bite healing potion?”
“How did you know about my snake bite?”
“Drinian told me and wondered if there was anything I could give you. And over here's just the thing,” Moolow said, as he walked over to his desk and picked up a clear bottle with red liquid.
“Thank you, Moolow. How much should I use?” Constance asked as she took the bottle from him.
“Take it with you and apply it every two hours. Within three days your leg should be as good as new, without even a blemish.” Come, you should get changed before dinner.”
“Alright,” Constance replied, following him out of the circular room.
Once Constance had made her way back to her room she went straight to the closet which was full of many beautiful dresses. Constance chose a violet color dress with delicate cream lace around the sleeves, hem and neckline. She quickly put on the dress, combed her hair, put it into a neat bun before stepping into the hall where she was met by Moolow.
“Please, follow me Constance. Drinian and Woodphere are already waiting in the dining room for us,” said Moolow.
Constance followed him downstairs into a large dining room. The table was very long, and could sit at least ten people on either side.
Drinian and Woodphere both stood when Constance entered. They were both wearing dashing white shirts, with red vests and brown trousers.
“You look quiet elegant, Constance,” Woodphere said approvingly.
“Indeed you do,” agreed Drinian.
“Why, thank you! You two look quite handsome yourselves,” Constance replied.
“Please be seated and I shall bring out the food,” Moolow said, as he exited the room. Soon he returned with steaming platters of poached eggs and toast. After they had finished, Moolow passed his guests a brimming plate full of cheeses, crackers and meats for their enjoyment.
“Moolow we must speak to you,” Drinian said, taking a sip of juice.
“What is it, Your Majesty?” Moolow asked, sitting down at the head of the table.
“Please, if it is not too much trouble, give us directions for returning Constance to her world.”
“Don’t you like it here?” Moolow asked, turning to Constance.
“I love it here, but I know my uncle is worried sick!”
“Do not worry, time is different in your world. While you have been here a week, only an hour has passed there.
“Yes, every seven days here equals one hour in your world. So if you remain here another week, that would simply be two hours,” Moolow replied.
“Well, at least that won’t cause him too much worry.”
“Let me go up to the library and get my map. First though, I'll bring out the pastries,” Moolow said exiting the dining room again and returned with a huge platter containing squares of yellow cake filled with pudding and topped with powdered sugar, balls of batter with delicious raspberry filling, brownies smothered with molasses and tasty chunks of honey-flavored hard candy.
While they were finishing their dessert, Moolow returned with a large paper scroll in his hand. As, he spread the map across the end of the table, he pointed a shaking finger to a spot near the middle. “Here is where you are now. Your final destination will be the Circle of Return, over here. The easiest route is to go by the way of Castle Melody.
“Castle Melody? I haven’t been there since the night of my f
ather's death. Isn’t it too dangerous for me to pass through a village where a Molter could be at every corner?” Drinian asked.
“Haven’t you heard the news? Princess Penella has given up the search for Your Majesty. Even if a Molter sees, you they won’t kill you, for she has resolved the matter.”
“This is a miracle! But why has she given up the search for me?”
“I do not know.”
“Do you think it could be a trick, to get me out of hiding?” Drinian asked, rubbing his chin.
“It could be, but I think you should take the risk,” Moolow replied. “For some reason, I feel it is no trick.”
“I hope you’re right,” Drinian replied.
“Now I'll tell you how to get to your destination, the Circle of Return. After you visit Castle Melody, head north a day’s journey through the northern mist until you reach a large forest. Follow the main path until you come to a round flat golden stone. Constance must step onto that stone to return to her world.”
“Can I go with her? I am very curious about her world,” Drinian said hopefully.
“Neither you nor Woodphere can go to her world. Only people from earth, may return,” Moolow concluded.
“We must be leaving soon, if we are to get to castle Melody,” Woodphere said, getting up from the table.
“Before you go, please come with me. I have tools to give you for the rest of your journey.”
The group followed Moolow upstairs into a large hall lined with battle gear. Swords, shields, spears and full body armor were on display. Large barrels of food supplies lined one wall. A marble stand, covered with a red velvet pillow, stood in the center of the room. Laying on the pillow were three sparkling blue gems!
“What are those?” Constance said, pointing as they walked by.
“They are from rocks known as the ego’laprent, and were mined from a secret location in Avonea ages ago.”
“I have never heard of them,” Drinian said glancing back at the jewels.
Moolow stopped suddenly in front of a glass case. With Woodphere and Drinian peering over his shoulder, he slowly open the case as they gasped in awe!
“Wonderful!” Woodphere exclaimed.
“How did you ever get this?” Drinian asked in amazement.
“What it is?” Constance inquired, trying to peek around the men.
“It is my father’s sword! I have not seen this since the night of my father’s death. May I hold it?” Drinian asked.
Moolow nodded, and Drinian soon lifted the beautiful sword into his hands. It was solid silver, with a handle of pure gold.
“After the Molters left Castle Melody, I searched for your father’s prized possessions. I knew he would never want them to fall into the hands of the Molters.
“Thank you Moolow for preserving this sword for me.”
“That is not all Your Majesty,” Moolow replied, as he opened a wooden box which held an ancient looking book.
“This is your father's Bible. It is believed to have been passed down from Sergio Ploonou.”
Drinian gently lay the sword down and tenderly picked up the Bible. The leather cover was cracked with age, and the pages were discolored and worn.
“Who was Sergio Ploonou?” Constance asked.
“He along with his family and a few friends were the first people to discover Avonea hundreds of years ago,” Moolow replied.
“Why and how did he come to Avonea?”
“Sergio couldn’t find work because of his faith. One day he was feeling discouraged and was walking aimlessly across his property when he slipped on a flat golden rock. It was inscribed with these words: For they who come to this rock will have a new beginning. Sergio returned to his family and friends and told them what he had found. They left during the night and disappeared into the land of Avonea,” Woodphere explained.
“How fascinating!” Constance exclaimed.
Drinian continued flipping through the Bible until he came to a faded picture. “Here is a picture of my mother!” he exclaimed.
Constance looked at the faded portrait of a young woman with long red hair and blue eyes. She was sitting by the shore with the ocean behind her.
“She's very beautiful Drinian,” Constance remarked.
“I know, and here's something else,” Drinian said, pulling out a ring with a sparkling red ruby.
“That's so beautiful! Was that your mothers?” Constance asked.
“No, it looks like the inscription on the inside is Kathryn,” Drinian replied, his eyes squinting.
“Kathryn! Was it my mother’s?”
“I do not know of any other Kathryn.”
“Moolow, may Constance keep her mother’s ring?” Drinian asked.
“Certainly, it brings me a good deal of pleasure to present it to her.”
“Thank you Moolow,” Drinian replied.
“I have one more thing to give each of you,” Moolow said walking over to the marble stand and retrieving the three blue jewels.
“Constance come over here please, and hand me your leather belt. Constance watched as Moolow carefully took the belt, and pressed the sparkling gem into the center, and like magic it held fast.
“Wear this and know that you are strong and confident. Please accept this as a gift for the braveness you have shown throughout your journey.”
Constance took the belt appreciatively and wrapped it around her waist. “Thank you,” she replied warmly.
“Woodphere, come here please, and hand me your dagger.”
Moolow took Woodphere’s dagger and pressed the blue gem onto it. Now it was no longer blue, but transformed into a dazzling red.
“Wear this and know that you are honest and have great knowledge. You will help Prince Drinian make wise decisions. This is a gift for the wise choices you have made through your journey.”
“Thank you Moolow. I will treasure it always, for now this weapon is even more special,” Woodphere replied.
“Drinian, hand me your fathers sword,” Moolow commanded, and pressed the blue gem onto the handle, as it became a brilliant green. “Here, receive this gift and know that you are kind, wise, and a leader, who has taken charge on this perilous journey.”
“Thank you ever so much, I will treasure this forever,” Drinian replied bowing.
“Now that our business is finished, you must be on your way.”
The visitors quietly exited the room and began walking downstairs to the front door, where they said their farewells.
“Thank you so much, for my mother’s ring and for the clothing,” Constance said with a curtsy.
“You do not know how much these presents mean to me. May God bless you,” Drinian said bowing.
“I hope you will come to visit soon. Thank you for your hospitality,” Woodphere said, bowing.
“I am glad you are pleased with your gifts. Now a safe journey to all of you,” Moolow replied opening the door.
Constance, Woodphere, and Drinian stepped out the door and walked quietly away, each lost in their own thoughts.
“Woodphere, are we really going to Castle Melody?” Drinian asked, once Moolow Manor was no longer in sight.
“Why are you asking me, Your Majesty? It is your decision,” Woodphere replied.
“I want your advice. What would you do if you were in my situation?”
“You need to make the final decision, but I would choose to go by Castle Melody,” Woodphere replied as he led Dutch
“I agree, but what is your preference Constance?”
“Me? The most important thing is for me to return home. However, since only an hour has passed there, and Moolow did tell you to go to Castle Melody, I think that would be best,” Constance replied with a smile.
“Good!” Drinian exclaimed. “Woodphere which direction should we go next?”
Woodphere pulled the map from his satchel and handed it to Drinian.
“Your Majesty, first we will pass through the prairie where the Molter camps are. After that is the m
eadow which leads up to the castle. Remember Moolow’s words about Penella dropping the charges to kill you. I think we still should be cautious and dress in disguise.
“A very wise idea indeed, Woodphere,” Drinian replied.
“Does that mean we have to dress up like Molters?” Constance asked a frown coming across her brow.
“Do I have to pierce my nose?”
“No, you do not need to pierce your nose, only make sure it is covered so they will not be suspicious,” Drinian replied.
“I don't have anything to cover my nose.”
“Do you have a scarf?”
“That could be a problem,” Drinian sighed.
“She may wear my handkerchief,” Woodphere replied obligingly.
“But will it fit around her head? I doubt if it’s wide enough,” Drinian replied.
“Are you implying that I have a big head?” Constance asked, as she turned to Drinian with an eye-brow raised.
“No, I did not mean it that way.”
“No, Drinian, I know what you’re insinuating. You are saying that the whole world revolves around me, and all I think about is myself!”
“Constance that is not what I was saying at all!”
“I know, I like to get you stirred up,” Constance replied with a teasing smile.
“Ah, what will I ever do about you?”
“What do you mean by that?” Constance asked.
“Nothing! I think it better if I keep my mouth closed from now on,” Drinian replied putting his hand over his mouth.
Princess Penella
“So I am to go to a street merchant and buy clothes for you and Woodphere?” Constance asked Drinian as they walked.
“Indeed, but remember do not let them take advantage of you. They will drive the highest price, but do not go any more than five shillings per item. You will have to stand your ground,” Drinian replied as he strolled by her side.
“I can do that,” Constance replied with determination in her voice.
Soon they were in view of the Molter camp. Tents were spread about and people were moving around in every direction. “Drinian and I will remain in the woods so we are not seen. Here is the forty shillings, and remember, do not go any higher,” Woodphere said soberly, handing her a red pouch of coins.